Saturday, 12 December 2009

But what does it smell of....?

Hey Bloggers

I am sorry for my late blog. I have had this blog in my head for about a week but due to uni work and muchos crazy times. This has been the first chance I have got to really talk to you.

Three years ago I worked at the perfume shop. I loved this job more then life itself. When I started working there I knew nothing about Perfume at all apart from a couple of perfume brands. By the time I left the perfume shop to go to university. I knew more about perfume then I can ever imagine.

The one thing I was good at whilst working there, was when a customer was describing a perfume they had seen in an advert or on TV. I was good at working out which one they meant.
This was mainly because I watch way too much TV and I read so many celebrity magazines that my room could easily be wallpapered with them.

Now I have been out of the perfume world for three years I have found something that really grinds my gears...

Perfume adverts

Comedian Lee Mack has the best quote for why perfume adverts annoy me

Talking about French perfume adverts
"The French perfume adverts, they make so much sense don't they? I see her, I want her, she is what she is, she sees, but she is blind, she has legs but she has no legs, she is alive but she is dead, she is a woman but she is a monkey and I want her because she is what she is and she is a blind, dead, disabled monkey and I know that I want her Shalimar by Guerlain....What does it smell of?"

It is so true. Adverts can't tell you what the perfume smells of, it just gives you an uneducated guess.

Perfume advert tend to contain one of these codes and conventions

  • A woman in a bed of flowers
  • If it is Chanel then it is usually filmed by a Hollywood director
  • If it is Jean Paul Gaultier it tends to be semi naked men and women
  • A famous actress or model looking like the perfume is the only thing in existence.
  • Mountains of fruit in the background
  • A rock song soundtrack like Muse or the Yeah, Yeah,Yeahs
  • A man jumping into water (Because that means its fresh...)
  • and if there is not a woman swirling her self in waves of fabric then it tends not to be a perfume advert in my eyes.
  • Unachievable beautiful models who look like they haven't ate for a year
  • and if it is pink, purple or orange it is for girls or if it is blue, green, silver or brown it tends to be for a man.
It is bad when I watch perfume adverts and within 10 seconds I can name the company and the perfume. It is so depressing.

I feel sorry for the guys and girls who still work in the industry who get attacked with at least 50 new perfumes and still have the 1000's to contend with every Christmas and in the middle of all that have to remember every advert just in case someone doesn't really know what perfume they want.

To all you Perfume workers I wish you a sane Christmas and to every person exposed to these adverts just be grateful you can switch over.

Chanel No 5 advert and Cool water advert.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Excuse me, Did you say you give good head?

Hey Bloggers

Don't worry I will explain the title of this blog very soon. Don't panic I promise it is beauty blog and not soft core porn.

But I need to tell you about an obsession that I'm hoping doesn't just affect me.

In the make up world I have two major bug bears.

1. The magic tide line of foundation...Seriously just rub it in properly!
2. Blackheads...The numpty of my beauty life.

Number one I can just about cope with but number two is a killer. Now I don't want people thinking that I'm staring at your blackheads because I still have them too. The problem with blackheads, is once you have one your pore never closes again. So you keep getting them back which is not helpful.

My bug bear is people who have blackheads you can see even by sitting a foot away from them.

It kills me because it's so simple to remove them and if I see one on someone I have to literally restrain myself from walking up to them with a tissue and going please let me help you.

So I am going to tell you a way to remove them so hopefully you won't see me panicking and getting into a hot sweat because I can't do anything about it.

So here are the MakeUpGirl Top tips

  1. The best time to pick them is after a shower or bath as the steam helps soften them
  2. Try to wrap your fingers in tissue so you don't transfer germs elsewhere on your face
  3. Then place your finger on both sides of the blackhead and gently start to push and ease the blackhead out.
  4. If it is a stubborn one, just leave it for another day and repeat the process.
  5. Above all don't become like me and start obsessing over them, life is too short but make sure you can't see them from afar :D
So I hope that does help. I'm worried now that people are thinking that I judge them now but I know it is only because of my beauty training (and your trained to spot the imperfections) and that I want people to see how easy to remove something so yucky as blackheads...

I promise I am nice :D

By the way the title...Well if I told you it was about blackheads you probably wouldn't read it however since most people are dirty minded a little trick won't hurt


Monday, 30 November 2009

Watch me get fed to the lions.

Hey bloggers.

It has been a little bit of time since I last wrote a blog, but I am hoping to now be back on it with a vengeance.

I promise after this blog that I will talk less about myself and more about the make up, but first I think you need to hear a story.

The other day a friend of mine was round my house and whilst trying to get something from my university desk, knocked over some of my make up that was on the side and I got to hear my favourite sentence utter by nearly everyone that knows me.

"How much make up do you own?"

The answer is simple...More then even I know but that still doesn't stop me wanting more and I have even started to dream about it.

I blame school for making my make up habit an obsession. I was never popular at school and for the first year I was majorly blanked by pretty much everyone, a look at my year seven photo proves why this is. I was just plain Jane, greasy skin, lank hair and my face had no personality. So by the time I turned twelve I slowly started to flunk the rules of minimal make up and I starting buying and wearing the brightest eye shadows I could find. They broke not only the rules of the school but it broke the rules of my face. I should never wear dark/bright colours on my big eyes, it hides my best feature but for three years I did this religiously as I was desperate to get noticed especially by boys.

But by the time I was fifteen I realised that it wasn't my make up that attracted lads, it was me and with the massive amount of woman's magazines I read at the time I actually started to learn what make up to wear and how to look semi good.

Now seven years later and NVQ 2/3 beauty therapy qualification later, I still make mistakes. That's what I love about make up it really is like life, we have all made mistakes of make up past but the difference between life and make up is that make up can be erased... Thanks to the help of a trusty make up wipe. Life however is a little harder to erase.

So those memories of make up past will still exist, mainly in photos and people's memory of me from the ages of 12-15.

However from sixteen onto even now I like to think I have changed.....make up wise.

Well maybe?

Aged 16 and Now aged 22

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Hello and Welcome


For anyone who doesn't know me.
My name is Tiff Fletcher
Otherwise known as MakeUpGirl

This blog as been set up for a few reasons.
The first is that in less then 9 months time I will be leaving university and the only thing I know I want to do when I leave is something involving beauty. The problem is I need to get my ideas and name out there and show that I have been pro-active in achieving this dream. This blog is to help with that.
The second is that I love beauty and I love helping others with beauty dilemmas. Since I was a child I loved beauty products and I have worn make up properly since I was 11. That's over 11 years now and 5 years aago I even qualified as a beauty therapist. So I feel that I can help people with beauty problems and I want the chance to prove I can.
The main reason is for this blog is to test my myself and prove I can achieve something, that I'm not a Make Up air head.

This blog is going to be a mixture of things.
There will product reviews not just make up but hair care, nails and plenty more besides.
There will be interviews with real girls, to see not only what is in their make up bag but how image really affects them day to day.
There will also be make overs, concentrating on today's trends but I will not just use one model. I want to prove that anyone can pull off Make Up. Magazines tend to forget this and leave some people out. Me for example I have really low eyebrows making big eyeshadows really hard, but no model ever has this problem. I want to change that.

Hopefully if anyone has any questions or any ideas of products they would like me to review or trends to look at. Please let me know.

Tiff xxx