Hey all.
Hope you have all been good.
I am sorry I haven't been around but I have been in the process of moving house and had to wait quite a while to get the internet put in.
So a short post to ease us back in and this involves a trivial matter of the hair kind.
The last time you saw me my hair was blonde but I have got to the stage recently where it was starting to look really brassy and a bit dull.
So I decided to dye my hair brown.
However like any impulse decision I'm not sure if I did the right thing.
So I have a blonde hair dye ready and waiting (Because I panicked and brought both colours)
So has my regular readers you will be deciding whether I should stick with brown or go back to blonde.
So here are some pictures to help you decide.
Here is me with blonde hair and this is the last recent photo of me taken with blonde hair.
And this is me with recently dyed brown hair.
So now it's decision time.
You can either comment which I should colour I should go for below the post or if your on twitter you can just tell me there @squiffany
So go on decide my fate.