Thursday, 2 December 2010

Eyebrow plucking. Lets make it a little easier.

Hello all.
Hope New year went well for you.

So today I am going to talk about how to make eyebrow plucking easier.
Some people go though so much pain. Some people bleed, go bright red and the pain is just too unbearable.

To be honest plucking your eyebrows is one of the most tedious jobs to do, yet do it right and not only can it frame your face but it makes your eye make up pop too.

So lets make it easy, starting from today.

The first job is to shape the eyebrow.
The best trick to do this is to use a eyeliner to help guide you, to where and where not to pluck.

This my untidy eyebrow.

The first place is to place the pencil at the side of your nose and draw an imaginary line to your eyebrow.

The second place is see where your pupil rests in the middle of your eye. This gives you your arch guide.

The third place is to draw an imaginary line from your nose to the outer corner of your eyebrow.
Purple eyeliner may not be the best look but at least you get the jist. :)

Once you have a rough idea of the shape of the eyebrow you can start plucking. The second hardest part about plucking eyebrows is the pain factor. Now over the years I have heard many ways to try an soothe the pain. The funnest one I ever heard was to use bonjela to numb the pain, all it did was make my eyebrows harder to pluck. I am a big believer in more natural ways.
The best trick is to help the hair follicle open so the hair is easier to remove and the best way to do this is...

Hot water. Not so hot that you burn yourself but hot enough to stand. Using tissue or a cotton pad place the hot water on your eyebrow. After a minute it should make it easier to pluck.

If after you pluck you still have some redness and you prefer a gel to ease the swelling/redness down then the best way to go is aloe vera gel,which you can buy a small tube of in health food shops, then store it in the fridge for extra coolness.

Here is the finished product. Yes it still hurt and no matter how good you pluck you will always find a stray hair. Without fail.

But the best rules to stick to are.

Get a pair of tweezers you can work with. I use ones that look like scissors but most people find the conventional ones easier. Do what works best for you.

Don't pluck eyebrow hair from the top of your eyebrow. It tends to lead to misshapen brows and disaster.

Just take it slowly and remember no two eyebrows are the same so don't worry too much if they aren't identical.

Try to pluck after a bath/shower or use the hot water trick to open the hair follicles. Easier plucking means less pain.

And try to stick to natural products to put on the eye afterwards and try to not put make up on straight away.

I hope that helps and any questions you have you can ask me personally on twitter at @getyourglitter.

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