Hey Bloggers.
Hope you have all had a great week.
It's been a busy week for me but I finally have the time to do a properly written blog post.
So this week I have mainly been using hair masks.
Now even with the oil slick that is my hair, sometimes it needs a really good condition.
Especially because I damage my hair with heat and lots of chemicals with all the bleaching and hair dye I use.
So once a week or once every fortnight I like to give my hair a break and treat it.
This week I have three of the top masks you should try out.
If you have oily or slightly greasy hair.
The Avon conditioning yogurt mask is a god send.
It contains lots of citrus fruits including kiwi, which make your hair soft but doesn't overload the hair making it more greasy.
This is because citrus fruit tends to eradicate oil, so you don't end up making your hair more oily.
What I love about this mask (apart from the yummy smell) is that you don't need to use much, so it lasts for ages and being Avon it's an absolute bargain too.
At the moment it's just £1. What a bargain especially in the recession.
As you can see from the tub I use this one a lot.
So next time you get the Avon book, have a try.

For dry hair or flaky scalps.
Hair doctor from Lush has to be your choice.
It is a fresh mask so you keep it in the fridge, mainly because there are no preservatives so it will go off.
It's a herbal treatment so when you put it on, it makes your scalp tingle (Which is lovely because you feel like it's working).
It is packed full of lots of softening ingredients like almond oil and coconut oil so any dry hair on your head soon won't be so dry.
The ingredient that makes it tingle is the peppermint oil. Peppermint is also an anti fungal treatment so will heal dry, dandruff or flaky scalps.
After using this my hair was so soft and it even healed a patch of exzema that I had on my scalp too.
For Normal hair.
Then you have to go for the classic, Dove silk intensive treatment.
Makes you hair smell amazing and it doesn't overload your hair.
When my hair was having a good day this is the one I always used.
It really does make your hair like silk.
It is also a great mask if you use lots of styling products and struggle to brush your hair if you have knots and tangles.
I use it if I back comb my hair too much.
So after my back comb madness today I think I will have to get out the Dove. :)
Kids remember don't back comb your hair this big (Unless you live in 1985) or you will need the Dove mask to tame it again.
Bad hair times.
Feel free to comment or tell me if you have used any hair masks.
Were they good/bad?
Let me know